Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 3 - First Love Day 4 - Parents

I am combing day 3 and 4 together.

Back to the title: My First Love.

There were boyfriends and boys... but my First Real Love had to be Mike! I had never felt so strongly for someone in my whole life. It was different from the way I love my family and I would give anything for them, but with Mike, it would honestly shatter my life if something ever happened to him. He is my everything. He was actually the first boy I brought home too.

We met in high school and he was going to the public high school an I was in the Catholic high school. Now, if you were to ask each of us when we FIRST met, our answers would be completely different! He says we met a basketball game and that I threw his game off because he kept checking the stands. My story would be that we met at mutual friends house and he was seeing her sister. As for the truth behind Mike's story, yeh, we could have met, but I was DISTRACTED because I was there watching someone ELSE! Ooopps!

Our first date would technically be on Halloween. We sat on my front porch and handed out candy. Mike dresses up as a scarecrow and scared little kids and their parents, as they thought he was stuffed scarecrow, not a real one. Then we went out for a drive, came home and walked Sir Snoops and called it a night. That night was also the night that Mike got his FIRST speeding ticket!

So in lieu of the past and talking about being back in high school, I found these pics:

Yes Mike has red hair... and I know look at how SKINNY we were!!
 Mike is 1 year old than I am, however we graduated the same year because I graduated early. We had a long distance relationship during college for 2 years. It was really difficult and we had our ups and downs during that time, but in the end we both wanted the same thing! He was in Peterbrough and I was in London, all within the same province luckily.

And things were fantastic from that point on!!

Day 4 - My Parents.

My parents are great. However, I will not be posting much about them, as I am respecting thier privacy. I am sorry. They are just not big fans of the interenet or sharing matters in that fashion. I may not agree with them, as I post pretty much everything about my life and yes they are active parts in it, and I do talk about them, but I try my best not to "expose" them or talk to much about them here on my blog. Hopefully you all understand and are not too disappointed.


Design It Chic said...

I am now following you thanks to Buzz on By Thursday blog hop, and it would be nice if you could share the love back on my blog;)
Also don't forget, if you need any help increasing your blog's traffic or easy blog design tips, you know where to come!
Today we teach a bunch of new useful tips to improve your blog's traffic, so make sure you don't miss it! Happy Thursday!

Amanda- The Nutritionist Reviews said...

Aww what a cute story about you and your guy : )

I just found your blog through a Thursday blog hop! Have a great night.

Amanda @


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