Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday Letters

Today I am going to link up with Ashley - ya we share a wicked awesome name - for Friday Letters!! Hope you enjoy!

Dear Gracie, I absolutely love it when you squish your face up when you are sleeping! You are adorable... trouble, yet adorable!! Although you have been very well-behaved so far this year, I have a fear that you are planning to destroy SOMETHING... or maybe you have and we just haven't found out about it yet! I also love how enthusiastic you get when you see snow falling! You definitely didn't get that idea from me! Love your Mama!

Dear M, I love how willing you are to just fly by the seat of your pants, especially when the world uproots around us! Thanks for being there to support me and my crazy family! Also thanks for leaving the light on for me when I came home at 2:30 in the morning on Thursday and thanks for getting up and tucking my feet in too (I didn't even ask). I love you like crazy and I hope you will never forget that even when you are 80! - Love your awesome wife!

Dear Baby Brandon, Welcome to the world little man! I was soo excited to meet you and I know your uncle Mike can't wait to meet you this weekend!! You have given us a scare by coming early, but your strength continues to amaze us all! Soo many people are waiting to meet you and I can't wait to see you go home!! I can't wait to hold your hand and eventually hold you when you are up for it! Yes, I am crazy one with the camera, you better get used to it! Hard to believe how much you continue to teach us all at such a young age! I think someone has BIG plans for you and you had to get an early start!! Can't wait to see you again! - Love Aunt Ashee

Dear Amy, I just want to let you know how proud I am of you! You have done amazing things for your new little boy. You have tackled each week, problem after problem with such strength and we all know it couldn't have been easy. I know you wanted to make it a few more weeks, but life had better plans. Luckily, it looks like Brandon has got your strength, so good job Mom! I know the next few weeks, hopefully not months, will be hard for you, but just take it all moment for moment and day by day and remember how blessed you truly are! - Love your baby sister!

Dear Jazzy - thanks for our cuddles and your dirty looks! It made my morning better! -  Love Mom

Dear Lux - thanks for our bathroom time, even though I know I get mad at you when you bust through the door - sometimes mama wants some privacy. But you just want to snuggle with the bath mat and purr up a storm. I don't know why you continue to head butt the bathtub - it might cause damage to yourself one day. I also love that you sit on the other side of shower curtain when I am showering, so you don't get wet, but love it when I spray the curtain! You really are too stinkin' cute! Oh and please catch that mouse! Thanks! - Love your Mama!

Dear Binx - thanks for being a secretive lover cat! I know you only want to be loved on when YOU want it, so it makes it all that more special! Thanks! - Love Mom!

Dear Lily - You are too beautiful for words! I love your sweet puppy nuzzles and cuddles! I also love it when you pretend to chase the cats! - Love Mom

I think that is enough letters for today!! Oh wait I forgot one!

Dear Winner Of My Give Away - Thanks soo much for participating! I really hope you enjoy these wire tags! The winner is Meg from Henning Love!!! Congrats!!! I will be contacting you shortly!!

Happy Friday!!


J and A said...

Ah great letters! Lucky Meg. Happy weekend Ash.

Emily said...

YES! Another Canadian blogger. My heart swoons. Good letters.

Megan Gillesby @ something beautiful said...

Cute blog ... found you on Hollie's blog link up!

Follow me @

with love,

Allison said...

Love your letters! Especially since so many of them are to your pets...we can be friends already. :)

The Bold Abode said...

Your letters are so sweet! I love your header picture...made me giggle out loud. What a beautiful Blog!

Allison said...

You won my giveaway! Congratulations!!

Holly said...

I love all these letters, especially the ones to your pets! :)

Just dropping by from #FF. :)


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