Thursday, December 17, 2015

Thursday Things

Today's post was really supposed to be on my DIY seasonal barnboard, however I haven't taken pictures of the Christmas side because it has been raining... Don't get me wrong, I'm happy it's rain, not snow, but therefore the post isn't ready and will hopefully go up next week!

So you will get the random musings of my mind for today. Which I will forewarn you I woke up this morning remembering conversations with people and things I was supposed to get back to them about that I never did!! If you are one of those people... Sorry!! 

This week J and I got together to work on another craft, however these are gifts, so I can't post about them until after the holidays!! But what I can say is, I was really loving the look, but I used metallic paint, so it was hard to read- well last night I decided to add some black to the letters and now I love it!! 

I have also realized I would really like a Cricut machine!! Of course I just came up with the idea a week before Christmas! 

Today is going to be a nice low key day at home, as it has been go go go all week!! Noah even spoiled me with an 8 AM sleep in!! Right now I have a toddler getting frustrated with my leg position because he wants his tractor that he's driving on me to go "up high" - real world problems. 

It is that time of the year to start cleaning out the freezers, so I stocked up the cupboards and we will hopefully get by at the grocery store with just dairy, fruits and veggies! Hard to believe I got out of Costco yesterday with only spending $113!! I didn't buy anything too exciting! 

Noah saw Santa again yesterday at the library program we goto and we got a smile!! He really wasn't too sure at first.. But rocked it! 

I'm itching to get wrapping gifts so I can do an inventory of what all I have bought... I'm sure I have enough and didn't forget anyone! But I also still have gifts coming in!! I totally rocked the online shopping this year! 

And there you have it!! That's my random thoughts for today! 

1 comment:

Hilary said...

Online shopping is key!!! But it's so hard to wait on stuff to come in!


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